Hold up! Wait a minute ...

Don't let boring copywriting tank your sales.

I'm here to turn your websites & sales pages into high-conversion machines—on repeat.

High-converting copy is always a good idea.

But let's be real. Juggling all. the. things. it takes to run a successful coaching &/or course-creating biz is a whole lot. And sitting down to write all the perfectly explain what you do & just how life-changing it is for your clients feels like a one-way ticket to "Overwhelm City." And that's not on anyone's dream vacay list.

OR... maybe you've given it a go ... stared blankly at a template you snagged, hoping inspiration would strike. But those words? They're on strike. And then, life calls—kiddos, coaching sessions, launch plans. The never-ending whirlwind.

So the task gets bumped. To tomorrow, next week ... next year. 

You dream of copywriting that does the heavy lifting. That gets your most ideal clients raising their hand & slamming their credit card down. Ready to work with YOU!

Hopefully you see me over here! Waving my hands like *that crazy friend* (you know—the one who wears sequins at the gym. it's me, hi!) at the back of the neighborhood coffee shop?! I'm calling you over *mocha in hand* telling you sit down, have your fave drink & jussst breath.

Because friend-I've SO got this covered for you!

From corporate to copywriting.

In 2020, I left my Fortune 50 career (as a Costco buyer) to step out & do my own thang. And hoo-boy was it terrifying. There I was trying to make entrepreneurship make sense—feeling more like I was sinking money into a pricey hobby than actually running a business.

But I was NOT giving up. (& ok, I did squeeze in a year-long stint working at Amazon... but the dream lived on!)

I was on the hunt—searching for that magic formula. I scoured every corner of the internet, enrolled in countless courses, hung on every word from the latest *guru*—& rode the wave of every. passing. trend. BUT ... success & the kind of impact I dreamed of? They just felt beyond me—no matter what new strategy I tried.

Then, bam! It hit me. Back in my days working at Costco & Amazon (along with powerhouse brands like Disney, Microsoft, & Nutrisystem), I had this uncanny ability to rake in millions (like, for reals tho). The revelation struck me hard. The freakin' solution had been right under my nose the whole time!

It was me, hi. I was THE solution.

It was time to lean into my corporate know-how, but this time, focusing on my superpowers of copywriting & messaging. 

Now, here I am, fired up with a laser-focused mission. I'm all about helping the passionate coaches & course creators out there—nail their copywriting & messaging. It's about turning your vision into reality, making your words not just covert so you can do what you do best. Build a thriving business & help people.

'Cuz that's what I'm all about.

School days & certifications.

From the moment I said "peace out" to community college to my days running a $462M category at Costco—my journey's been anything but ordinary. And lemme tell you—it's been a masterclass in the power of messaging.

I've earned my stripes as a certified Clickyworthy Copywriter®, with the remarkable Anna Powers. I've also been coached by the legendary Ray Edwards himself & am a proud member of "The Collective," led by the copy ninja herself, THE Ashlyn Carter.

Copywriting & messaging? They're my jam & pb.

A whole lot of corporate street cred.

Messaging was absolutely crucial for the game-changing launch of Digital Delivery for Costco's Non-Foods Gift Cards and Tickets. I crafted compelling messages that emphasized convenience, instant gratification, & slashed shipping fees by a staggering 95%. This strategic shift in messaging attracted a flood of new customers, gained the support of stakeholders, & completely revolutionized the member experience.

My faith is my secret weapon.

I get asked all the time how I had the courage to leave my multi 6-figure job to build my own biz. Truth? Some days I pinch myself for making the leap—especially at 45 when I had my entire career perfectly plotted.

BUT God had a better plan. He wanted me to use everything I learned building multi-million dollar programs (from ideal to $100M+ in sales) & use that to help small business.

Rocky? Absolutely. Rewarding? More than my wildest dreams. And I wouldn't trade this journey for the world.


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Engen LLC | CopyBrand© 2020-2023   

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